More Whiteout InfoI don't know about filler movies like this. It is not something we have not seen and there are way better movies out there than this. Unless it really surprises us with some weird ending. What else can the plot be... Trap in snow storm, endless plots with multiple murders, gruesome murders, Kate poses, find conspiracy, could be aliens, could be the government experimenting and Kate saves the days. I think this is usually the plot of such movies. Enjoy the trailer.
Release Date: September 11 2009
Genre: Scifi, Fantasy
Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Columbus Short, Gabriel Macht, Tom Skerritt, Alex O'Loughlin.
Director: Dominic Sena
Chat8Blog Rating: 2
Rating system:
5 = "Must see in movie theater"
4 = "Watch it on a discount cinema"
3 = "Rent the DVD"
2 = "Wait for TV"
1 = "Not Worth watching the trailer"