Well....well.....whether it is good publicity or bad publicity...what's important is that you are in the NEWS!!
So I would Say Edison Chen is back...in the News.
No need to repeat his huge mega drama. But if you want to refresh your memory, click
So, here are the snippets of what's being happening last in Edison Chen's life!
After keeping quiet for one year....all those affected kept a low profile, Edison was away in US/Canada, Gillian Chung stayed away from limelight, Cecilia Cheung looked after her marriage and baby..........BUT like it was all planned...they all started coming out to public eye one by one.
It first started with Cecilia giving an interview for the first time on her side of the story of the "sex scandal". She super trashed Edison Chen.
Click here for full story.One week later Gillian Chung also gave her first interview. She was her usual, crying, silly self, declared her "love" for Edison and still said after all that happened, she still can't say she hate him!
Click here for full story.
Then Gillian Chung made an emotional comeback by first major endorsement deal of a jeans brand. The public seem to be able to accept her comeback.
As for Edison, he braved death threat to appear in Singapore for the launching of his new movie Sniper. Hong Kong triads have allegedly offered a 110,000 US dollar reward for the star's right hand, according to Hong Kong media reports.
There were some speculations that Edison attempted suicide but his father and others denied the news.
Edison reported became emotional during the press conference when asked about his father recent bankruptcy.
Then the trial of the sex scandal opens whereby the accused a computer technician pleaded not guilty to illegally copying and distributing more than 1,000 photos of a Hong Kong actor performing sex acts with a string of starlets.
Edison is believed to be in Beijing now.