Thursday, July 31, 2008
Will Dark Knight sink the Titanic?
A dark nemesis is creeping close. Will he sink the Titanic?
Many speculators saying that he might. But we will have to wait and see.
The Dark Knight has crept above the 50% mark at USD400 Million. It probably stands a good chance!
You wanna bet?
The Olympic Dream
Can you believe that The Beijing Olympics is just 8 days ago. Only the Chinese would be so superstitious to go for 8.8.08. Indeed it is such and auspicious number and auspicious date for all Chinese. It literally means Prosper, Prosper, Prosper or even Rich, Rich, Rich.
I just heard of this story which I find pretty inspiring.
Dana Torres is 41 yrs old and this will be her 5th Olympics! She is an American swimmer and participated in her first Olympics in 1984, then 1988 then 1992 then 2000 and now 2008. She has won 9 medals already and at 41 years old she is poised to grab more medals in Beijing.
On August 1st, 2007 at the age of 40 (just 15 months after giving birth to her first child), she won gold in the 100 meter freestyle at the U.S. Nationals in Indianapolis, her 14th win at these events. She then followed that up on August 4th by twice breaking her own American record in the 50 m freestyle, 26 years after she first set the American record at just 15 years old. Amazing huh!
Well, she would definitely be nearly twice the age of most of her contenders (old enough to be their mothers) but she is definitely a force to be reckon with.
It would be interesting to watch her in action. And yes....below is a pic of her...Amazing huh?
Looking forward to the Beijing Olympics!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Britney and Paris into POLITICS?!!
Anyways, all eyes are on United States and who will be the next President!! Obama vs McCain. Well....they kinda get childish too. Spending millions to make commercials to ridicule their opponent.
Remembering Randy Pausch 2
Dr Randy will be remembered.
Remembering Randy Pausch
And I was just celebrating life with an entry on Patrick Swayze just yesterday morning.
And then in the evening, I saw the news and I am saddened.
For those who don't know, the world was introduced to Dr Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University a few months ago. It is unfortunate to be introduced to a dying man but in his dying days he has inspired many of the living. This is his story -
In September of 2006, Dr. Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Hoping to beat the odds, Dr. Pausch underwent a bold treatment plan to defeat his cancer. Unfortunately, in August 2007, the cancer returned to his liver and spleen. Pausch delivered his Last Lecture," titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams," at CMU on Sept 18, 2007. His speech inspired many and became an instant hit on the internet. He went on to have the Book titled the Last Lecture published.
Please view his Last Lecture and be inspired.
He died July 25th, 2008 leaving behind his beautiful wife and 3 lovely children.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Is she a lesbian?
I recall the first time I saw her. She was so adorable in Parents Trap. I was thinking...who is this cute girl with the face and body full of freckles.
Some years later, I saw this grown girl that looks like her named Lindsay Lohan. Of course, she was getting popular with a singing career and movies. I wasn't sure cos somehow I thot cute and Lindsay Lohan did not match. Later, I found out indeed the cute girl in Parents Trap was her.
So, that's when it starts...the popularity scene, the sexy grown girl image, the partying, the drinking, the drugs, car accidents, car crashing, boyfriend snatching, rehab - she has been there, done that! All in her 20s.
Apparently now, she has been hanging out a lot, infact moved in with girl pal Samantha Ronson. They have been very close now for several months, often photographed together at parties, during shoots etc. So the buzz in Hollywood is.......IS SHE OR IS SHE NOT?

It doesn't matter either way cos the important thing is that she has sobered up quite a lot since being with Samantha. I guess Samantha is a good influence on her.
Ooops, I spoke too soon. As I was writing this, I googled Lindsay Lohan and guess what's the latest ....sigh.....source from the -
"US actor Lindsay Lohan was taken to hospital after she was hit by a motorcycle while out partying with girlfriend Samantha Ronson, local media has reported.
Lohan had been clubbing with Ronson in New York when she was hit by the bike early on Saturday, the New York Post quoted sources as saying.
Lohan's father Michael confirmed his daughter had been in an accident"
We will probably hear more soon. I will be tuning in to Extra, Extra this evening.
Happy for Patrick Swayze
Patrick Swayze is one example. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March, the world was saddened as pancreatic cancer is terminal and usually patients die within a few months.
But with a positive attitude and determination, he went thru chemotheraphy in March and also a new treatment, he has been responding well.
Infact, he just started working on a new TV series "The Beast" scheduled to air next year.
He is a fighter and he is fighting back. There is hope!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Keeping up with the times

I can't stand it....everyone is pregnant!!
And the lastest news - Rebecca Romijn and hubby Jerry O'Connel is expecting twins this winter.
Oh yeah....apparently Jennifer Gardner is also pregnant, second baby.
I forgot to mention the last time that Lisa - Marie Presley is also preggies - Remember the news came out that she was FAT and poor thing she had to annouced she is Pregnant and not FAT. Give her a break!
Give all the pregnant mamas a break. I can't believe that everyone in Hollywood is pregnant. It is giving me a lot of pressure since I am of age and ticking...ouch!
My previous posting on Pregnant Hollywood -
Friday, July 25, 2008
The reality of reality shows - The Bachelor

Infact, the couple appeared just last month, still holding hands and lovey dovey in the finale of The Bachelorette. But I knew something was wrong. I could see it!
Anyway, it's confirmed.......Bachelor Matt Grant and fiancee Shayne Lamas announced they have split. Makes me think that all this reality show mumbo jumbo sometimes is just a scam. They probably planted the people there, make an exciting storyline, pay them a bunch of monies and when the time is right they can go their separate ways....
Anyway, this show probably won't hit Malaysia at all...Don't waste time.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Of all quirky names.........
Poor girl. How can parents be so mean? Anyway, the good thing is that a judge did something about it and had her name changed. Her new name is not made public to protect her privacy. Kudos to the judge.
Parents out there - please don't be mean to your child. Remember that they have to live with it for the rest of their lives. Life is hard enough, don't give them a bad name.
Hollywood - Who's earning the big bucks?
1) Will Smith - $80Million
2) Johnny Depp - $72Million
3) Eddie Murphy - $55Million
4) Mike Myers - $55Million
5) Leonardo DiCarpio - $45Million
Isn't it amazing...these are money that we will never see in a lifetime..and for these actors, it is just one year of earnings. my goodness! What do they do with all these monies?
I guess the rich becomes richer and the poor becomes poorer.
They are the rich (money go in their pocket) and I the poor (money go out of my pocket to see their movies)!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pregnant Man gave birth to a baby girl

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Batman Christian Bale - in jail??

The Joker
So it's not all that bad...cos I was so impressed with Iron Man. Ohhh, so in love with Robert Downey Jr. He is just incredible. Really impressive performance, according to my hubby, he delivered Johnny Stark's character to a T.
Then there was Hulk. I was rather reluctant to go see this. The green monster - not my kind of thing but it was my hubby's favourite character etc etc... so I went. well, it was ok. I did not particularly liked it, it was just ok for me. My highlight was definitely the ending when Robert Downey Jr as Johnny Stark appeared. That was so cool. Batman. So much rave about it. We decided to catch the morning Sat show at 10am, just nice to watch a movie then lunch and also it's cheap only US$5!! Wow! there was a line outside the cinema at 9.30 when I arrived! And believe me, the cinema hall was full. So I was not surprised when they beat Spiderman as the top grossing movie for the 1st weekend at US$155Million!
As for the show, it was good, since I am not a fan, I can't say it was great. It was a little dark for me and also a lot of things were happening made the storyline a bit too dramatic and sometimes confusing.
But I have to agree that Heath Ledger as The Joker was really impressive!!! He wasn't like a clown joker (which I think previous portrayals were a bit more clownish). He was a bit dark, a bit on the edge and yet so cool like no care for the world or whatever. I especially like the end when he was plunging to his death, he was just laughing...... :) No no...I did not give the end away...did he die?? Go watch the show if you haven't.
It's unfortunate but the real Heath Ledger did die.
I really wonder if he will get an Oscar nominations - so many speculations on this, we'll see!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Crazy celebs, Quirky babies names...
Below is a list of the quirky baby names and their famous parents -
Apple: Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow
Bluebell Madonna: Geri Halliwell
Brooklyn: David and Victoria Beckham (also parents to Romeo and Cruz)
Destry: Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw
Hopper: Sean Penn and Robin Wright
Ireland: Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger
Jaz: Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi
Kyd: David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
Lark Song: Mia Farrow and André Previn
Ocean: Forest Whitaker (also father to Sonnet and True)
Saffron Sahara: Simon and Yasmin Le Bon (also parents to Amber Rose and Tallulah Pine)
Shiloh Nouvel: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Suri: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
Tallulah: Bruce Willis and Demi Moore (also parents to Scout and Rumer)
Willow Camille Reign: Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith
Why ah??
Latest of quirky name is Sunday Rose....yeah Sunday Rose - Nicole Kidman's baby girl. It is kinda sweet but why Sunday Rose........? Can you imagine, whenever someone mentions Sunday...the poor girl would think they are calling for her.
Hollywood is Pregnant....
But this baby phenomenom is not centered on a particular age group cos it is ranging from teens to 40-something women. Incredible....... let's run thru the list of celebs pregnancies...
1) Jamie Lynn Spears - talk about starting out early...she is only 16 yrs old for goodness sake (is it even legal!!??), not married but boyfriend still sticking around. I wish her luck, she gave birth to a baby girl in June'08.
2) Halle Berry 41 - she gave birth to a baby girl in March'08.
3) Jennifer Lopez 38 - this hot mama gave birth to twins in Feb'08
4) Nicole Kidman 40-something - I am happy for her, she gave birth to a baby girl just this July'08 and named her Sunday Rose.
5) Matthew McConaughey 38 and gf 25 - they are proud parents of a baby boy this July'08.
6) Jessica Alba 27 - this super sexy gave birth to a baby girl in June'08. It is nice that she and bf got officially married just days before she popped.
7) Tori Spelling - she popped her baby girl recently too
8) Mark Walhberg 37 and gf - Baby boy for the couple,
9) Christina Aguilera - she gave birth to her baby boy in Jan'08 and my oh my, pregnancy agrees with her cos her boobs were just humongous, I am not kidding!
Still Preggies -
1) Angelina Jolie - has she popped? yes she has. no she has not, yes she has, no she has these are the news reports we have been getting about her. She is expecting twins.
2) Ashlee Simpson - She announced her engagement suddenly, she denied she is pregnant profusely, she got married quickly and then she announced she is preggies...come on, accidents happen, so what? at least her bf married her!
3) Gwen Stefani - yohooooo! She is preggies with 2nd child!!
4) Minnie Driver 38 - secretive about the father, guess she is on her own.
5) Adam Sandler and wife - Pregnant with 2nd child
6) Matt Damon and wife - also pregnant with 2nd child
7) Gillian Anderson - remember her from X-files...she is preggies too.
Ok I am sure there are many celebs that I have missed out.....but it is true Hollywood is pregnant!
But guess what, I should not forget, the most bizzare goes to - The Pregnant Man also gave birth to a baby girl. Go figure...anything can happen.
Let's start rolling.....
So I welcome your thots and remember that this blog is completely my thots whether you agree or not. If you don't agree, there is no need to be nasty....let's just chat & blog.......