Internet rumours have been circulating for the past week that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie is going their separate ways!!
What do you think?
After all they have been thru, if they broke up, I think I will be kinda pissed.
Brad Pitt broke up a perfect good marriage (in my opinion) with Jennifer Aniston to be with Jolie. Furthermore they now have 3 kids together not to mention the "dozens" she adopted!!! Ok ok...exaggeration just 3. So now they seem to have a perfect marriage, oooops sorry I meant a perfect union since they are not married, they have 6 kids and have so much money unimaginable to mere mortals like me, AND now they are breaking up!!?? It would seem rather irresponsible right? What about the children?
Angelina Jolie's rep is saying that the rumors going around the Internets today about a Brangelina split up are "absolutely not true."
So what about you? Wanna bet if they will break up?
My bet - if not this time, the next time. So they will, it's a matter of time.
It's Hollywood so I'm not surprise. But if they stick together, then it's a blessing. If not life still goes on. But of course I would love to see them together for a long, long time ;)
They make one fine looking couple! But nothing lasts forever in Hollywood, so yeah, I guess it's just a matter of time. I'd hate to see them split up though, for the sake of the kids.
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