Bond....James Bond. There is nothing more famous introduction of a character than this line. And then there is the teng te le teng...teng teng te leng teng. The cool background music when Bond walks in. Casino Royale introduced the new Bond Daniel Craig. He does not look like our traditional handsome, woman killer..or lady sleeper, gadget filled, hair creaseless Bond. Daniel Craig is a hardcore, edgy, tough and no BS Bond. The one we have not seen before. I like it...I like it...I like it. This is one side that we will see again with the new Bond movie that is coming out...Quantum of Solace. How can I get to see this bad boy asap?
This mission is utmost important and I will send my best agent Mobile Gogo to inflitrate the headquarter to find out who is in charge of giving out the pre-screening ticket. Mobile Gogo has no remorse. Gogo will take out all the guards who is holding all the tickets. Gogo will do whatever to accomplish her mission.
M: Gogo...you have your mission? Take out the resistance and your mission is given the MDK status. Take no prisoner ....just take the tickets.
Gogo: Have I ever failed you?
M: No...but you are facing NuffNuff the maniacal tin man with a killer robot mechanical titanium jaw.
Gogo: You have to have faith in Gogo....Mobile Gogo......Te le teng...te le te le (back ground music)
Gogo is inside NuffNuff plaza. It is a 50 floor building with guards in every floor. NuffNuff must be at the penthouse of this building. Gogo saw a opening and took the opportunity. She saw the window washer left the crane close to the 1st floor. Gogo swiftly jumped and hold on to the rail of the crane. She pull herself up and switch on the motor to pull her up all the way to her objective. NuffNuff will never imagine that this opening could his doing. Gogo reached the top and saw there was 2 guards pacing at the door opening to the penthouse. Gogo took out her Walhter PPK and screw her silencer. She aims but there was a call for the guards to come in to the penthouse. Gogo knew this was the 2 guards lucky day. It clear for Gogo to move in.
Gogo ran and broke the door to only see NuffNuff in front of her. He was going out to have a walk. When he saw Gogo, he knew he was in trouble. He opened his titanium jaw and attacked Gogo. Gogo took her Walther PPK and aim to shoot but she was too close to NuffNuff and he bite her silencer off. Gogo saw the tickets are on a table next to the bar. She rushed passed NuffNuff and trip him down. NuffNuff still has the silencer in his mouth. He was struggling to get back to attack Gogo because the silencer got stuck between his titanium jaw. Gogo sees this as an opportunity and took the tickets.
Gogo: I can see you are stuck with a silence....ha ha. Remember this. I am Gogo...Mobile Gogo.
NuffNuff: Arrrgggghh I will get you.
Go mobile Go mobile Go.....I will track you down.
Gogo: Not a chance.
2 seconds later, Gogo was gone and nowhere to be found.
Story Ends.
This is how I will score my Quantum of Solace tickets......