Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Avril Lavigne is back!!

So the government decided to have some cow-sense back into their heads! The Malaysian government has given the go-ahead for Avril Lavigne's concert on Aug. 29 as scheduled, despite scrapping the concert last week for being "too sexy."

But, what's the point? My dear government - You have already embarrassed Malaysia. Make the world think that Malaysians are a bunch of hooligans who are so holy, so covered up and don't make any noise in concerts.

If you don't know how you have embarrassed Malaysia please view this link and click on the video.

Anyway, for Avril Lavigne's fans, I hope you enjoy the concert and please show her that we Malaysians are not that bad after all.


Anonymous said...

Yup, too late, once again our name is tarnished.

Anonymous said...

she should tell our government that shes not coming to this shithole..bloody hell on the 27th telling people that they are allowed to come on the 29th...f*cking last minute flipflop again..wtf.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so going to her concert! Happy:)

Anonymous said...

Gallivanter - yeah, they should use their brains before taking any actions.

Anonymous - yeah, it's so stupid.

Pixie - hey! that's great! Enjoy the concert! Scream and shout for Malaysia and by all means jump around!
