Friday, August 22, 2008

Michael Phelps look-alike

One thing I must say about the Chinese as I have seen in the Olympics - they are really err "friendly" people! You see them cheering, mobbing, hugging the international Olympians. They are naturally supportive 100% to the Chinese athletes but they are equally as passionate to the popular international athletes.

This poor Brit guy is an BBC correspondence in Beijing and he has the height and built of Michael Phelps and it is so cute to see the Chinese mobbing him despite him telling them that he is NOT Michael Phelps!


foongpc said...

Very funny! He does look like Michael Phelps, except when he talks - he has a British accent that surely gives him away.

Anonymous said...

Foongpc -'s Michael Phelps mania time but then again, it will only be for a while, we will probably hear about him 4 years later...unless he starts hanging out with celebrities....
