Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Poor little cute/ugly girl....

It was spectacular show but China continues to get jabs here and there on the opening ceremony. This time it is about the cute girl who sang a beautiful and pure rendition of one of China’s favourite revolutionary anthems at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. But it was revealed today that it was not her singing the song but sang by another girl.

Lin Miaoke was cute and pretty but can't sing as well. "Angel faced"
Yang PeiYi was chubby with crooked front teeth but has a beautiful voice. "Angel Voiced"

So what did China do? They wanted to project the right image for the world to see so they went with what they thot was best. Use the cute pretty face of Miaoke for TV to mime to the beautiful voice of PeiYi.

It seem like a cruel story. Poor girl! Poor thing! She was ruled out because her face was not pretty enough. Sigh! First the "fake" fireworks and now "fake" voice! Sigh!

In China's defense, they voluntered these information to the media. And it does not sound as bad as the world news are making it out to be.

It is all for done to project the best possible image of China and the Olympics.
And seriously, I am sure this is done regularly for the sake of entertaiment by all other countries too.


Anonymous said...

Are all these actually true? Why would China be that stupid to do such small yet significant mistakes? Perhaps some ppl just make things up?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is true. Infact it is not a mistake, it was deliberate. The officials wanted to use the cute girl as to them it is a matter of national pride and they want to showcase the right image to the world.
