Monday, August 11, 2008

China gymnastics controversy!!

Have you watched the women gymnastics routine for Olympics? Gymnastics is one routine that I will definitely watch during Olympics as I will only get to see it on TV once every 4 years since no sports channels carry any coverage of other World Gymnastics championship, at least not that I have seen.
So if you have seen some of the preliminary qualifying rounds for the 2008 Olympics, the focus is on Team China and Team USA.

But what would strike you more is how tiny the China women gymnasts really are.

The Olympics regulations requires the gymnasts to be 16 years of age in the calendar year. But looking at the China team, you will wonder of their real age because some of them really can't look any older than 13 years old.

Thus, there are many speculations that some of the China team are underaged. However, China have provided passport documentation that states them to be of 16 years old.

Look at these pictures and judge for yourself. Better yet, tune in to the games and let me know what you think.

See this link for a news report, but anyway it may be bias since this guy is a US correspondence and his wife is coaching the USA team.


Anonymous said...

But let's say they're 13, then they've got 3 years disadvantage of less training time, less experience and less musculature compared to a 16 year old.

Sometimes these Americans are quite biased, just as they continually bash China over indirect involvement in Darfur, but never mention their own direct hand in the destruction of many, many lives of entire nations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam.

M-Factor said...

They may look 13s, they sound like 13s, but they are not 13s! ID proved they are not 13s so what the fuss is all about? Just because these fucking American lost they are accusing others of underage, take drugs, cheatings bla bla bla...

What about themselve? No wonder Pak Lah and all his BABIS doing the same! Fuck youself you Americans

Anonymous said...

Agree, agree...whether they are 13 or 16, they are in the games and Olympics officials have approved them!
