Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The world media bashing China on "fake" girl's voice

It is really unfortunate but China did it for the image, and a cute and presentable girl with a beautiful voice is what they want to project. So they use a pretty face to front a pretty voice. Please click to read my previous posting on China's voice controversy.

The world is not as forgiving, with so many different country's headlines bashing China's move.

Headline in The Times of London “The counterfeit Games: designed to look good from every angle,”

The Daily Telegraph urged organizers of the 2012 London Games to “bring some sanity and proportion back to both the opening ceremony and the games themselves.”

In Spain, one newspaper called it “Olympic karaoke.”

A commentator for The Age newspaper in Australia called it “the great Beijing lip-synch switcheroo” and news on the incident was headlined “China’s wrong child policy.”

The Romanian daily 7Plus ran this on its front page: “Hoax! Made in China.”

Baltimore Sun reporter Jill Rosen said the switch was hardly the first case of lip-synching, but was “possibly the cruelest.”

New York Magazine called on record executives to give Peiyi a record deal, saying “She’s 7! She has buckteeth! She is adorable!”

China has a lot to prove and wants to showcase itself to the world, I think they have done an excellent job but naturally the world is always fast to criticize and slow to praise.


foongpc said...

This give China's critics the opportunity to bash China. It's just too bad because I was impressed with the opening ceremony. With both fireworks and the girl being fake, people will now start questioning what else is fake.
Yes, it's not fair to the real singer. It's not fair to TV audiences worldwide who thought they saw the real deal on the fireworks.
But this is life. Blame it on the worldwide audiences who want to see pretty faces.
And to China's credit, they admitted and did not attempt to hide these facts.

Anonymous said...

They admit it AFTER being caught.

In any case, Ashley Simpson was caught lip-singing once and she was criticized too. So I don't think China is being criticized because it is China.

It is the act of cheating that is being criticized.

And please, don't start blaming the world.

Anonymous said...

I guess they did cheat, is way to much negativity going around. Let's just enjoy the games!
